Case Study: Creating a Start UP from the Ground UP

An entrepreneurial case study: A recollection of a start-up's roadmap, development of the brand, and pivoting at the right time.
Christian Platon
May 4, 2023

A group of young, active, discerning dads who wanted to create a start-up business and lifestyle brand that would offer a premium line of eco-friendly consumer staples for men, Utilizing naturally derived resources and packaging that was recyclable or reusable. They also wanted to create a premium brand that would appeal to men who were looking for high-quality, sustainable products.

Founded: 2017
: Personal Care, Consumer Staples
: Not enough personal care products branded to the male demographic
Time: 2+ years

How It Started

We all knew that starting a business wouldn't be easy, so we didn't want to rush into creating anything just for the purpose of doing so. We all led active lifestyles with our families, therefore our first notion was to create an all-in-one lifestyle bag that could be used in any circumstance. After a few weeks of market research, we came to the conclusion that having an all-in-one bag wasn't necessarily what we actually wanted. Additionally, the initial start-up cost of prototyping a multipurpose bag was too costly. So, we completely abandoned the concept.

For three months, we would get together every Monday night to conduct brainstorming sessions at the local library, grab some food watching game of football or playing a game of pick-up basketball. Meeting up for weekly helped us keep our minds open to any and all possible challenges and solutions we wanted to solve together as a team.

One night after a game of pick-up basketball game, one of the guys discussed an old idea that never caught on. The idea was to make a body powder deodorant for men's private parts with different types of scents and fragrances named after cities around the world. He jokingly said the first scent would have "Bangkok". When the concept was initially envisioned, the lack of manufacturing resources and formulating with raw materials prevented the idea from taking off and being further explored.


That's was the light bulb moment

We all emphatically shared similar experiences with the use of baby powder for down under. Any time I got a little sweaty below the belt after a quick workout during my lunch break, on like long hike during the summer, or training session, I would use my kids baby powder for down under, in the front and back to freshen up, especially if I was limited on time to take a shower or wash up.

With our combination of experience, resources, and unique expertise in our fields, we knew this was an idea we were equipped to pursue.

The Users and The Target Groups

The mantra for this venture was simple: "For us. By us."

We wanted to create a product(s) that served us first and foremost. As a group of friends/founders/fathers, we are the target demographic in mind. We all cared about maintaining our hygiene and presenting ourselves in a certain way, but we understood there is a spectrum and different levels of effort and discernment towards overall grooming habits.

We hit the ground running learning everything there is to know about existing customer data for men's personal care and the marketplace, analyzing competitors, the various use cases for body powder and establishing user personas.

To get a better landscape of personal care products, we attended a 2-day cosmetic and packaging convention in New York City.

We found various cosmetic bottle manufacturers at the convention that offered ready-made containers that dispensed powder in spray form and that could also be refilled.

This was our first big step into the right direction...

Our Requirements and Positioning

Reducing one-time use consumer staples was an important aspect to our overall mission. 

Our approach to setting ourselves apart from the market was going to be in the packaging, the containers we used and messaging.

The strategy is to position the products with a brand like Tesla. Designing premium, eco-friendly products without sacrificing on quality within the consumer staples world.

The Competitors and The Marketplace

We did extensive research finding out all the various types of men's personal care brands, to various body powders, eco-friendly products, luxury to affordable goods. This was exercise to figure out how we would like to position our brand.

In our research we found that most body powders main ingredient uses talcum powder. At the time, there were developments of lawsuits against one of the largest manufacturers of consumer body powders, Johnson and Johnson, and the long term effects of using talc based powders.

These claims made it more evident that we wanted to create a product that did not use harmful ingredients.

Most body powders used the sifter top twist cap. Although simple, the method made the delivery messy and hard to control the amount of powder that would dispense.

Other body powders used an aerosol spray can to dispense the powder mess-free. The delivery method was there, but the downside to the spray can is the bottles are not refillable.

Trending 📈

Forbes put out an article about How Men's Attitude Toward Grooming And Cosmetics Is Changing

Opening paragraph reads:

In the past, it was unthinkable that men would consider certain cosmetic products that have traditionally been only for women. But now, especially considering how traditional gender norms are changing, men are more open to using products that were only used by women in the past. Matt Teri, Co-Founder and Chief Development Officer at men’s brand Huron, put it this way:

“Traditional values of modern masculinity have changed. Views on gender roles and stereotypes are evolving and ... wellbeing ... looking and feeling good, are ... part of everyday consciousness.”

Under Powder

The Idea:

The first product focus was to create a premium body powder specifically targeting the region below the belt-line, providing men with a comfortable and refreshing experience while keeping their private areas dry and odor-free.

The Problem: 

Many men struggle with excessive sweating and odor in the groin area, especially during hot weather or physical activity. Traditional powders on the market often contain harsh chemicals and synthetic fragrances that can cause irritation and allergic reactions. Additionally, most powders on the market are not specifically designed for men's private areas, leaving a residue and clumping. Additionally, the one-time use disposable containers can be messy and difficult to use. They also contribute to environmental waste. 

The Solution:

UNDR products team developed a premium line of men's ball powder made with natural ingredients such as rice bran wax, rhizome root, menthol, jojoba oil, cellulose and essential oils. The powder is specifically formulated as a superior ultra absorbent material that instantly absorbs natural sebum and sweat to offer protection from friction, chafing or irritation.

UP’s premium line of men's ball powder would be offered in a line of recyclable containers or state-of-art. reusable, mess-free containers that are discreet and easy to use. The container features a twist-off cap that allows users to easily dispense the powder without making a mess. The container is also made of durable, high-quality materials that can be reused multiple times.

Bottle 1 - Readymade Powder Spray Dispenser
Snapshots of Progress Photos via Instagram Stories

Implementation and Formulation

A major part of the process was nailing down the formulation for the powder. Nailing down the right active ingredients, fragrances and overall efficacy of the powder was a painstaking process. We sought to create 3 types of powder formulation

  1. Freshen UP
  2. Rise UP
  3. Level UP

We found a manufacturer based in Oklahoma city that help produce other personal care products. After rounds of different formulations and revisions, we received our samples of Under Powder version 1. A downside we found about partnering with this manufacture wasn't an initial concern but something worth noting; the formulation would not be ours. It would cost tens of thousand dollars to be the sole owner and any profits we would make, they would get a percentage of for a lifetime.

Testing, Testing, 1–2–3....

The Powder

For one month we tested the version 1 of Under Powder as part of our overall routine, especially during physical activity.

Overall we were happy with the product, but we wanted to do our due diligence and get a second opinion on the formulation.

I reached out to a cousin who is a practicing chemist with extensive experience formulating various products for different industries, including personal care goods, for 15+ years. We sent over our pitch deck and samples to be test and inspected for proper feedback on the product.

He became an instant believer in the idea but revealed to us the product that was formulated from OKC was not great and proposed that he could make it "Wayyyy better formula with better, all natural ingredients!". The catch...He wanted to join the team.

The Bottle

As way to differentiate the product from other, we knew the bottle would be a big factor. Although the readymade bottle we found in New York was different enough and re-usable, we wanted to push the idea further. We asked,

"What if we made OUR OWN BOTTLE?"

Before you know it, our team was at it searching for an Industrial Designer that had experience with drafting and rendering 3D models and designs. After several meetings we found a designer that helped bring our vision to life.

The process for designing a bottle and getting a working sample was pretty extensive. This was probably the most challenging and time consuming part of the journey but we believed in ownership and creating a product we could call our own, from top to bottom.

Designing the bottle from scratch
  1. Vision and Concept
  2. Research and development
  3. Sketches  
  4. Technical Drawings
  5. 3D Renderings
  6. Prototype 1 - 3D Printed Bottle and Silicone Mold
  7. Testing
  8. Iterate
  9. Re-draw
  10. Technical Drawings
  11. 3D Renderings
  12. Prototypes 2 - Manufactured Bottle Sample and Mold

Our First Event

Production for the bottles we designed would take some a lot of time and money so we didn't want to delay getting the product tested and into the hands of potential customers. The plan was to test Under Powder in a variety of bottles with different deliveries and see what users liked best.

We tested Under Powder in our sample prototype bottle for the first time to the public at a fitness event called FIt Nation Bootcamp & Expo located in Tysons Playground - a fitness & performance center. In addition to testing Under Powder, we prepared giveaways as a thank you to the testers and attendees of the event. we offered our own formulated, all-natural  moisturizing hand sanitizer, CleanUP.  

Here was some of feedback:

The Bottle:

  • Testers were impressed by the sleek and stylish design of the reusable container sample available.
  • The container is easy to use and dispenses the powder smoothly without creating a mess.
  • Testers appreciated the reusable container, as it eliminates the need for constantly buying small disposable containers.
  • Testers said they would invest and buy into a brand  knowing that they are doing their part to reduce waste and help the environment. 
  • Other testers were fine with using a traditional powder sifter and didn't find it necessary.
  • Other testers thought it be inconvenient to refill.

The Powder:

  • Most testers never used powder as personal care product or have it in their routine.
  • Most testers enjoy the feeling of the powder before and after the workout. "Felt fresh and comfortable"
  • Most testers enjoined the idea of a body powder as deodorant for their private parts. Did not have any current solutions for those sensitives areas.
  • We found women very interested in the product for the men in their life more so than men.

The Hand Sanitizer:

  • Testers were ecstatic about the feeling and touch of it.
  • Testers said it was very moisturizing and said "It feels like Lotion."
  • Testers like the fragrance and didn't smell like alcohol.
  • Testers were asking where could they purchase.

The event was a success with great feedback and test results for the prototype bottle and Under Powder but the feedback for CleanUP hand sanitizer was sensational and quite frankly stole the show. Word of mouth spread and attendees who didn't initially visit our table to test, came by and asked how they could purchase the sanitizer. After the event, our following on instagram went up 3x and attendees posted on their feeds about the CleanUP with glowing reviews.

We were scheduled for more events in the coming months so went to back to the drawing board to improve on our first event. The demand for our CleanUP hand sanitizer couldn't be ignored and we didn't expect to add another product in our line so soon but it was too good not share...

The Pivot

In the end of 2019 we were focused on preparing for the the launch of Under Powder. With the success and feedback we collected from testing at various events, we were ready to go to market in the beginning of 2020 and starting selling. Then in late December of 2109 , outbreak of infectious disease called the corona virus would start to spread around the world, and we were faced with a dilemma: What does this mean for the launch of Under Powder? Is there anything we can do as company to help?

The answer was right under our noses—literally! CleanUP was initially made to be a token of appreciation for participating in our test, but it turned out to be so much more. We decided to put our launch on hold and focused all of our resources on production and distribution of hand sanitizer to aid essential workers on the front lines and less fortunate at risk.

We believe the pivot made a significant impact on the community. We've been able to provide essential workers on the front lines with the hand sanitizer they needed to keep themselves safe—and we've also worked with local organizations and charities to distribute hand sanitizer.

The Break UP

One of the most difficult things about starting a business is dealing with failure. Unfortunately after the initial success with UNDR products and the impact we were able to provide during the global pandemic. When we first started this venture, we had thrist to create something new and different, together as team. The synergy was through the roof and we had nothing to lose.

After the first wave of initial success by pivoting, over time we lost the energy as a group to decides to stopping working together. The problem was that we weren't prepared as a team to handle the challenges of running a company. The lack of balance with our resources and individual efforts made it hard to overcome the challenges of maintaining a start up business.

I learned a lot from my experience, which has made me more confident in choosing the right path for starting any business venture. Doing something new with limited resources is inherently risky. I recognize that many failures are avoidable with right conversations early on. Overall, I learned some valuable lessons along the way on how to do things better next time around...

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